This program is blocked by individuals viewing specific accounts. If someone is looking at an account, they will prevent this program from completing. 

Name Tiny Term Username Extension Program that will block Notes / additional information

Vanessa Flanagan vanessa 1343 Menu020 Call Second
Joel Watters jwatters 1392 Menu020 or FMcust Call Fourth
Jen Esque jesque 1342 unsure but she can block Call Fifth
Sarah Exton sexton1 1395 Menu020 Call Third
Jim Black jblack 1328 Fmcust
Josh Carney jcarney 1358 fmcust
Curtze Curtze No extension unsure, unlikely this account will block but still one to keep in mind This is a generic account that we cannot trace to who is logged in. Just kill without remorse. 
Purchasing Department Doug1 1395 - I believe its Sarah - TR Fmcust Just kill their session