Name Username Extension Program Additional Notes
Ginnene Bucci gbucci 1334 tdorder

Carmen Bryson cbryson 1388 tdsalehst
Greg Brandt gbrandt 1331 tdorder
Stefanie Reed stefanie 1330 tdorder
Jenni Bick jbick 1327 tdorder
Joe Degatano
jdegatano 1340 tdorder
Lance Oliveri loliveri 1339 fmcust
Jim Black jblack 1328 termcust

Pete Bartula pete 1325 menu020

Dan O'Donnell Dan Call Cell CustHist - I think this is the name? I can't remember but this one is pretty rare.
Root root - tdorder, nffcrpk
This will be someone in the computer room. Only people in the computer room have these credentials. 
Curtze curtze - tdorder
This is a general account so if you are blocked by this user, end there session
cpur cpur - tdorder This is a general account so if you are blocked by this user, end there session
Someone in the computer room root - fminven