You've ran the jrun ordtran program and received a file size of 0, here are the steps to take to make sure everything was done correctly.

Be sure to follow the steps in the order they are written.

  1. enter the command pwd
    1. This will Print Working Directory
    2. Confirm that you are in /users/data/curtze1
    3. if you have confirmed that you are in the correct directory, move onto step two, if you are in the incorrect directory, follow the next steps
    4. cd /users/data/curtze1
    5. l erieord
    6. Check this new size and see if the file size is still 0. If it is, go to step two, if not then this is the correct information for Curtze.
  2. Re-enter the command: jrun ordtran with the following parameters
    1. New Erie File Needed? Y
    2. Include all orders or only orders since last run? (this step is different than our normal L)
    3.  Enter Routing Day 00X (should be the ship date, so 0,1,2,3,4,5
    4. This generates a file that contains every order for the entire day. We do not want to provide this to curtze, this would cause duplicates for every order sent over already.
    5. confirm you are in the directory /users/data/curtze1 and enter this command: vi erieord
    6. Now you are able to edit the file for Curtze. Hold the down arrow to scroll down.
    7. Once you are at the last line of the file, you want to check the final invoice number which can be found at the end of the final line. In the image below, the final invoice number can be found circled in blue
    8. If this matches the same invoice number on your previous fill for Curtze, then you have done everything correctly.
    9. If this does not match, go to step three.
  3. If the invoice numbers do not match, use the up arrow to scroll until you find the invoice number that matches. Once you have found that, you will need to delete every line above this. I find it is best to start at the top of the file and work my way down. 
    1. to delete a line, you hit the d key twice, or if you hold that key it will delete the line as well. 
    2. You must delete the line that has the matching invoice number from the previous transmission or that will become a duplicate as well.  
    3. To exit the file type all that is in bold :wq!