Router - The individual responsible for directing what trucks go where

SSIT - The second shift IT individual who helps process files

SSIT - Generating the file for the router

To Generate the files for the router to begin his process, enter these commands in our Unix System.

  1. jrun: routlist
    1. Final Route = N
    2. Re-Route = Y
    3. Route Day = (Day value of the week, Sunday is 1.)
    4. Release all routes
    5. e to exit
  2. jrun: rnetord
    1. Enter tomorrows date (Format MMDDYY)
    2. Enter same route day as entered above
  3. jrun: purscan
    1. Enter AES in all caps
    2. Enter 4
    3. e to exit

Router  - Consumes the file

After the final step has ran, the router can run his BAT file on the Roadnet server.

The bat file consumes two files

  • /users/data/roadnet/orders.r
  • /users/data/roadnet/rnetcust.txt

Router then does his work, adjusting routes and exports his routing file.  

Router - Exporting file

After the router has finished making his adjustments, he will export the following files  from the Roadnet server into the Unix Server:
  • /users/data/roadnet/ORDERS.S
  • /users/data/roadnet/EXTENDATA.TXT

SSIT - Consumes new files, generates new files and sends to pallet builder

To consume the files the router has sent back, run the following programs:
  1. jrun: routlist
    1. Final Route = N
    2. Re-Route = Y
    3. Route Day = (Day value of the week, Sunday is 1.)
    4. Release all routes
    5. e to exit

This program will consume the changes made to the file by the router. The next program is used to push these changes to the dock office to print the labels used for picking product. 

  1. jrun: runlab2
    1. enter truck number for specified route
    2. enter route number
    3. enter route number
      1. Repeat these steps for all routes finished (the router will let you know which routes are good to process with the runlab2 program. Generally, these are given in three groups (Columbus, Detroit, Locals)

Once all routes are completed, you must run the following program

  1. trun:wms-orders3
    1. This will push all generated files from the runlab2 file over to pallet builder.
    2. Pallet builder is the website used to print labels for our third shift crew to pick orders off of.