This is a document that contains all known reasons as to why a customers order would be "below the line" on the final route list.

  1. A customer could be in status 85 - this means they are an inactive account.
    1. I don't know how to check this. I will update this after I speak with Joel Watters.
  2. Their order was below the minimum dollar amount
    1. If no dollar minimum was set when their account was set up, it will be on hold by default.
  3. They are an off day routingĀ 
    1. The router will know how to check this.
  4. They were originally on the back order report
    1. This report can be found here on the Unix server: /users/data/curtze1/backflist
    2. It can also be found here on the network drive: T:\Information Technology Drive\Automation\BackOrderList\Daily Report
  5. The Second shift unix operator did not consume the file that was sent from the Roadnet server into Unix. This can be fixed by rerunning the routlist program and hitting option J before exiting the program.
    1. A possible issue could be the router not sending the file to Unix, this would look identical to the step above. To confirm the router sent the file to the Unix server, check the time stamp on this file: /users/data/roadnet/ORDERS.S