If you receive an error when trying to load the file from Unix. Check this file in the Unix server:


This is the file that is moved with the BAT file on the roadnet server's desktop. If the file listed above looks similar to the image listed below, follow these steps.

  1. Run - jrun, rnetlod
  2. rerun programs to generate files for routing
    1. If normal week day, run these steps:
      1. jrun, routlist
      2. jrun, rnetord
      3. jrun, purscan
    2. if it is for saturday delivery:
      1. lmrun, dalbydte
      2. jrun, routsat
      3. jrun, satrnetord
  3. if further instructions are required, they can be found in Unix Procedure files, located here: 
    1. T:\Information Technology Drive\Documentation\NHB Procedures
